Trust Wallet Setup

Forsage BUSD registration

Download Trust Wallet

Choose your device type and download the application:

Google Play (Android)

AppStore (iOS)

Install and setup

  • Open wallet application and select "Create a new wallet"

  • Confirm checkbox with Terms of Service and press "Continue"

  • Read closely warnings about your Secret Recovery Phrase, this will help to keep your crypto safe

  • Check all boxes and press "Continue"

  • Wallet application will offer you to save your Secret Recovery Phrase (12 words) and then input it in proper order

Secret Recovery Phrase is generated only once - during your wallet address creation process.

Secret Recovery Phrase is the only way to keep safe and recover your wallet any time.

Never share Secret Recovery Phrase with anyone under any circumstances - this will give lifetime access to your wallet for that person.

  • Confirm your successful wallet creation and you will see your assets list

Now you need to add BUSD Token and BNB Coin display

  • Click on token finder icon on the top right side

  • Type bnb in search bar and click on checkbox to add BNB Smart Chain coin

  • Type busd in search bar and click on checkbox to add Binance-Peg BUSD (BEP20) token

There may be similar token names, make sure you adding proper - double check when you select BNB Smart Chain and Binance-Peg BUSD (BEP20)

  • Click back icon and you will see newly added tokens in your assets list

How to copy wallet address

  • Click on Binance-Peg BUSD Token to enter its properties

  • To copy your crypto address that you need to fund with BUSD or BNB click on "Receive" icon

  • Copy the code of address for next operations

Your BNB and BUSD will be located on same crypto address in blockchain - so you can copy it only once and use to purchase both BNB and BUSD.

How to register in Forsage BUSD ⤵️

Registration Forsage BUSD

How does Forsage work?

Last updated